About The Artist

Mary Kate MacFarland is an accomplished artist whose passion for sustainability and environmentalism shines through her diverse body of work. With ease and versatility, she fearlessly embraces new mediums and effortlessly navigates the realms of video production, digital artwork, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, and painting on both large and small scales. Her commitment to sustainable practices is reflected in her innovative use of eco-friendly materials.

Drawing influence from the captivating brushwork of impressionism and the dynamic world of modern animation, Mary Kate's artistic style is a unique fusion of traditional and contemporary elements. Her ability to seamlessly meet the needs of clients in commission-based work showcases her adaptability and dedication to bringing their visions to life.

With a keen eye for detail and a drive for creative exploration, Mary Kate continues to push artistic boundaries, seeking new ways to inspire and evoke meaningful conversations through her art. Through her compelling works, she invites viewers to reflect on their relationship with the environment and encourages sustainable practices for a harmonious future.

Celebrate and Cherish

Welcome to our artist's website! Immerse yourself in an inspiring journey by watching a captivating short video that showcases the artist's commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness. Through mesmerizing stop-motion animation, created with found and repurposed materials, witness the transformative power of art as discarded objects come to life.

Prepare to be enchanted as you witness remarkable works of art taking shape before your eyes. Let this video prompt contemplation on the importance of sustainability and encourage you to make conscious choices for a greener future. Take a moment to watch this thought-provoking video, allowing its magic to ignite wonder and inspire positive change.

Stencil Details

Celebrate and Cherish was made using recycled paper and plastic, repurposed stencils, and found objects. The dialogue is an excerpt of Sir David Attenborough’s plea to respect and care for our environment.